Kena tag pulak dr Raha.....aduh bermalasan plak nk wat....nnt kang kecik ati plak die...
1. Snap the picture of both inner and outer of your wallet.
2. Introduce your wallet brand, price and where you bought it.
Wallet Brand: Anna Sui (imitation)
Price: RM 30++ (xigtla)
Where you bought: Downtown Setapak
3. Take out whatever inside your wallet.
1. Duit tinggal RM70 je..(bile nak clear cek ni..lmbt btulla)
2. Yg bawah tu gmbr my hubby.....1st time jumpe ngan die....ecececeh...mengimbau kenangan nmpk......hehe...gmbr die k pelamin my cousin...anis jmpe my hb mase die jadi pengapit my cousin.....thn lbh krg 6 thn la (sampai skang)kenal ati budi,isi perut,hati,pankreas gale.....lame tuh....
3. Resit Carrefour BP...mase balik kg bln 12...beli baju sek my adik..Udin....
4. Resit beli barang makan mak k Kg mom kan sakit kencing manis, so makanan die pon len skitla dpd kite org biase.....lgpon k citu murah skit.....
5. Yg agak messy tu ialah resit ATM...nmpk sgt salu kuar duit....hehe...sepah2...sampah pon nk simpan....
6. IC, Kad kawin, Lesen mandu (amik lesen tp xpenahnye bawak kete...takutttt....membazir duit je renew every year..)
7. Sogo Card (bukan salu pakai pon...time sale je br nmpk btg idung ku), Mydin Card, Bonuslink, Tesco Card, Prudential Card, Maybank Card, CIMB card xde ye....kalo ade mmg bengkok nk bayo ujung bln...sbbbb anis mmg suke shopping....
8. Name card.....
4. Snap a picture of your wallet with yourself.
5. Tagged another person
1. K Anese
2. Farra
3. K Radiah
4. Syira
5. K Hana
6. K Yatt
7. K Khuriza
Yg len tunguuuu.........
Huiii!! Ganehh!~ Ade gax homework macam nie yek?? Ahakkzz!!~ Tergezut!! Hahaha!!!
heee....anis....nanti lah akak siapkan yekkk...susah gak homework nihhhh.....
Nie la sebenarnya cara-cara nak mujuk orang tunjuk wallet... Hahaha!~ Nak mintak direct, x tergamak kan?? Hahaha...
ish3....xtau la sape yg mulekan tag ni ek....saje je nk buat kite byk keje....
sonok tgk isi wallet org. :D
t bile free kite reply this tag ya~! tcare.
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